I would love everyone's opinion. You see, I am considering seagrass rugs for several rooms of our house. I am not sure how seagrass holds up to stains od spills or "piddles". I have four small dogs and two kids so, of course, you get the occasional accident.
My only experience I have with natural fibers with kids is Sisal and it was a disaster. I had specified a Sisal as a wall-to-wall in my twin boy's baby room and between the spit up and a dehumidifier tipping over, the carpet was a stained mess in less than a year. I had it ripped out and something low maintenance installed.
Cote de Texas via Google
I truly welcome opinions. What is you opinion of Seagrass? Can it withstand stains? If so, what is the secret to cleaning stains?
Au Revoir for now.